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GE Healthcare IN Cell 2000/2200 imaging instrument

GE Healthcare IN Cell 2000/2200 cell imaging systems offer a unique solution for high-content screening (HCS) and high-content analysis (HCA). The IN Cell Analyzer 2000/2200 is a flexible, modular, cellular and subcellular imaging system for fast, automated imaging in fixed and live cells. High performance hardware, state-of-the-art software and expert support – harmonized to transform your cellular workflow.  This system is a perfect target for laboratory automation.

Impressively enabling for cell analysis

GE Healthcare IN Cell 2000/2200 cell imaging systems offer a unique solution for high-content screening (HCS) and high-content analysis (HCA). The IN Cell Analyzer 2000/2200 is a flexible, modular, cellular and subcellular imaging system for fast, automated imaging in fixed and live cells. High performance hardware, state-of-the-art software and expert support – harmonized to transform your cellular workflow.  This system is a perfect target for laboratory automation.

  • From investigative microscopy to automated high-content screening

  • From organelles to cells, to tissues, to whole organisms

  • From fixed end-point assays to extended live cell studies

Our Process

We have integrated the IN Cell 2000/2200 into a range of automation workcells using the KiNEDx  robot and our range of Mitsubishi factory robots. It can be integrated into any of our Benchtop solutions, Safebench or S-CEL enclosures.

IN Cell 22200: Building on the extremely successful IN Cell Analyzer 2000/2200 system, IN Cell Analyzer 2200 is designed to bring efficiency and flexibility to your imaging, making both simple and complex high-throughput, high-content assays an everyday reality. With a scientific-grade CMOS camera and bright solid-state light source as standard, IN Cell Analyzer 2200 reduces exposure times and maximises speed while delivering high-quality images. Confocal-like images can also be obtained using the rapid image restoration options in the control software. IN Cell Analyzer 2200 can image a two-colour 96-well plate assay in less than 2.5 min. This speed is achieved through the highly optimised optical system and highly efficient control software, helping you spend your time where it matters most—on your research.

Standard workcell for GE Healthcare IN Cell 2000/2200

The standard automated workcell consists of:

  • GE Healthcare IN Cell 2000/2200 cell imaging system

  • KiNEDx robot

  • Barcode reader

  • Safety screen (optional extra dependent upon site risk assessment)


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