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Can the MicroBeta2 Trilux by PerkinElmer be used with the KX2 robot?

The MicroBeta2 Trilux liquid scintillation and luminescence counter from PerkinElmer can be seamlessly automated using the KX2 robot software developed by PAA. This integration allows for efficient and precise handling of samples, assay setup, and data acquisition. The KX2 software offers comprehensive control over the MicroBeta2 Trilux, enabling users to automate a wide range of applications including radiometric and luminescence assays. By automating the MicroBeta2 Trilux with KX2, laboratories can increase throughput, minimize manual errors, and improve workflow efficiency in various research and diagnostic applications.


Overview of MicroBeta2 Trilux instrument

The MicroBeta2 Trilux, crafted by PerkinElmer, stands as a premier liquid scintillation and luminescence counter renowned for its accuracy and versatility. This advanced instrument streamlines laboratory processes, catering to a wide array of applications with exceptional reliability.

Applications of the MicroBeta2 Trilux include:

  • Radiometric assays

  • Beta, gamma, and luminescence counting

  • DNA and protein quantification

  • Drug discovery and development

  • Environmental monitoring

  • Clinical research and diagnostics

Industries leveraging the MicroBeta2 Trilux encompass:

  • Pharmaceutical and biotechnology

  • Academic research institutions

  • Clinical laboratories

  • Environmental analysis firms

  • Food and beverage manufacturers

  • Government agencies

With its precision and adaptability, the MicroBeta2 Trilux serves as a cornerstone tool for accelerating research and enhancing productivity across diverse scientific and industrial domains.

Overview of MicroBeta2 Trilux instrument

How can I automate my device?

For a full automation of your instrument with KX2 robot you will need:

Bigger project with more instruments

Are you considering to integrate it into a bigger project? We can help you to integrate it into a bigger system with multiple intruments.

Contact us today to find out more and we can custom pick a solution for you.

MicroBeta2 Trilux (PerkinElmer) with KX2 robot lab integration

MicroBeta2 Trilux (PerkinElmer) with KX2 robot lab integration

Automate the MicroBeta2 Trilux by PerkinElmer with PAA robots and software for efficient and precise laboratory workflows. We already have the driver written.

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